The Kindling Fire


“The difference between existing and living lies in having dreams or not.” Damian Phuc Le

“Life needs to be more than just solving problems every day. You need to wake up and be excited about the future.” Elon Musk

The hypocrisy is, people that say "go get a life" usually are people that do not have one. The life that consist of waking up go to jobs and go out on weekends is what they mean. While that life is not wrong at all, to expand beyond that and search for what really excited you is when you truly live.


We're living in an era that has more hypocrisies that any others, one click and you are exposed to millions of users on social media that pretend like they are living their dream lives, another click and you will be exposes to a group chat that many of them pretend like they want to be there. But the problem just does not stop there, the problem appears in real life as well.


The truth is, most modern men doesn't have the ability to sit still by themselves doing nothing. We fill our life with continuous external pressure, when we're done with that, we distract ourselves in entertainment and we're leaving not time to ourselves to seek the meaning of life, to find meaning in anything else other than our devices, our money and our materialistic possessions. To have meaning, you must seek solitude, that is when the voice inside your head is the loudest.

What kindle your heart?

To break free from the motivation that the society dictates, to escape from the goal of money, fame and entertainment in the modern life and listen to what is true in your heart is when you start living YOUR LIFE.

You may want money but it is for the purpose of helping people not buying expensive cars.

You may want fame but it is for reaching people that needs help.

You may want entertainment but it is for the sake of your bigger purpose.

Look within and find your kindling fire!