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Accountability Mirror

The concept was created by David Goggins at the beginning of his physical transformation process, going from nearly 300 pounds to 190 pounds in just three months. It is one of the concepts that David himself is still using until today in my belief.

What is needed for this concept?
Requirement: at least a medium-sized mirror and some sticky notes.

How does it actually works?

Step 1. Write down on the sticky notes the main goals and visions that you are having in your mind.
→ At the most fundamental level of self improvement, we all have goals and visions we want ourselves to achieve - that is the essence of getting better.
→ Example: lose 5kg.

Step 2. Imagine every step you must take to accomplish that vision of yours and write these down on individual sticky notes.
This step will allow you to aim low enough that the pressure of failing would not stop you; and further enable you to envision the future which makes you accomplish your goals more efficiently.
→ Example: lose 2kg in week 1, lose 1kg in week 2, 3 and 4.

Step 3. At each morning after sleep and night before sleep, look at the goals and yourself in the mirror and have a little pep talk to hold yourself accountable for the goals that you have set.
→ Beliefs are formed more easily in the transition of sleeping and being awake, this will allow you not to get yourself the needed motivation but also the envision needed.

Main function: Increase motivation, drive, self-confidence.

Concept form: Exercise